Thursday, March 3, 2016

Tis the Testing Season

Tis the season.

State testing is upon us.

I teach in a large public school district in Texas which means the next few weeks will be filled with kitchy slogans somehow incorporating the word "STAAR." ("Shoot for the "STAARs!" "Be a STAAR!" and so on...)

With STAAR and other state tests fast approaching, teachers, administrators, and specialists are working and straining to find engaging (yet structured) ways to review an entire year's worth of material in 2 - 4 weeks. The problem is, there are many students who have mastered the material, and many who did not and need to be retaught pretty much everything.

There are oodles of ways to go about reviewing and many activities to trick students into practicing their material. Here is one method I've used successfully.

QR Code Scavenger Hunt:

Here's how it works. Each student needs a recording sheet and maybe a partner because that's always more fun. Cut out the cards lengthwise so that there is an answer and a QR code together, and post around the room. Students can start at any question. They scan the QR code on the right and answer the question, showing their work on their recording sheet. Once they have their answer, they look for the card with that answer on the left side. When they find it, they scan the QR code on that card to get their next question. If done correctly, students should see all questions and end up where they started.

The first time I did this I had low expectations, but I was surprised! Something about the magical QR code goodness sucks them in more than just your regular, old scavenger hunt. Try it. It's fabulous!

(Shameless plug)
Available at TPT: 

And the low-tech, QR free option for 7th Grade

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